诺福克南方 emergency engineering for 桥s - 189.19


诺福克南方铁路公司的一个专门团队.,欧宝体育客户端. 和Massman建筑公司. worked together to help 诺福克南方 rebuild its 桥s - 189.19 in 27 days after it collapsed under the pressure of a flooded river and debris.

A buildup of tree limbs and high water had been pushing on the 103-year-old rail bridge over the Grand River near 不伦瑞克,密苏里州, leading 诺福克南方 to cut the rails the evening of Oct. 1, 2019, to relieve pressure and prevent further damage to its rail line. 桥的一部分在几分钟内就被摧毁了. Four spans and three piers — about 267 feet of the 1,110-foot-long bridge — were swept away.

桥拆掉了, 每天有多达14列火车不得不绕道而行, 造成延误,影响了该地区的经济. Grain is carried out of Chariton County on the tracks, which run through Brunswick. The bridge collapse occurred during harvest season — another blow to farmers who had been set back by severe flooding in the spring. And the longer the bridge was closed, the risk of financial loss increased for 诺福克南方. 这条铁路面临紧急维修.

The next morning, 诺福克南方 contacted its contractor, Massman, and Hanson for assistance.

Massman sent two barge-mounted cranes to the site to prepare for the reconstruction. 在崩溃后的一周内, 汉森评估了后果, started developing a plan for the replacement section, worked with the railroad to produce an initial layout and collected soil borings from the site to refine the estimated geotechnical parameters.

Precast concrete was used to accelerate the construction of the piers. The precast pier caps were made using high early strength, 高性能混凝土, 然后蒸一夜, which meant these pieces could be delivered and ready to install within 24 hours after the concrete was poured. Other bridge components were already available elsewhere, such as steel spans from 诺福克南方’s inventory that could be transported by railcar.

After the caps were installed, Massman erected the adjacent spans with new bearings. 诺福克南方 crews finished installing the open deck ties and the rail. 10月11日,该桥重新对火车开放. 28.

Everyone on the project team was focused on quickly and safely rebuilding the bridge to get 诺福克南方’s track back in service. Several Hanson employees worked during the evenings and weekends, and the contractor team pulled double shifts to keep the construction going around the clock. Hanson’s preliminary design drawings were provided to all team members to review and offer input. Hanson also was on-site to help with coordination and provide construction management services and used a drone to photograph the project’s progress for review by 诺福克南方’s management.

Massman使用经验丰富的工匠, 包括认证焊工和起重机操作员, 同时也是海岸警卫队的领航员. The project team also conducted extensive material testing to verify quality compliance. 最终, the project was completed in 27 days­ — weeks ahead of the originally estimated 56-day schedule.

The project team’s goal was to rebuild the Grand River Bridge and restore this important main line to service immediately. The use of the client’s existing inventory of bridge spans and the project team’s willingness to expedite material sourcing, fabrication and delivery ultimately allowed the project team to achieve its goal.

This benefited not only 诺福克南方’s rail operations but also the farmers and communities who rely on 诺福克南方 and the Grand River Bridge to transport grain and products to the marketplace.